❤️1/2 banana
❤️1 tsp @theorganiclabs beetroot powder
❤️1 cup oat flour
❤️1 tsp baking powder
❤️1 tbsp flax meal
❤️1 cup oat milk
❤️1 tbsp coconut oil
❤️50ml sparkling water
❤️Various berries and fruits

-Mash banana with fork. Add @theorganiclabs beetroot powder, oat flour, baking powder and flax meal. Pour oat milk, sparkling water and coconut oil. Mix well to combine and leave the batter for half an hour to sit.
-Bake pancakes on a non stick slightly greased pan until the bubbles starts to show up then flip over and bake 1-2 min.
-Serve with berries, fruits and any nut butter.

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